Seated leg curls

2 x warm ups

90 x 10

100 x 10

110 x 10

120 x 10 + 10 sec ISO hold

130 x 8 + 5 sec sec ISO hold

Leg press

3 x warm ups

5 pps- 9 pps x 10

10 pps x 9

HS V squat

2 pps x 10

3 pps x 10

4 pps x 10

5 pps x 10

Lying leg curls/ sissy squats

80 x 15/ 12

100 x 15/ 12

120 x 15/ 12, 12

Hip adductor/ abductor/ machine calf ext

1 x warm up

150 x 15/ 150 x 15/ 300 x 15

Meal 1: 3 sccops syntha 6, 2 tbs natural pb, 1 1/2 cups kashi cereal with 1 cup almond milk

Intra: 3 scoops vitargo, 3 scoops bsn amino x

Meal 2 (cheat): Five guys double beef bacon cheeseburger, fries, 2 ice cream cones, 1 s'more haha

Meal 3: 8 oz ground turkey, 1 cup rice

Meal 4: 8 oz ground turkey, 1 cup rice

Meal 5: 3 scoops syntha 6, 2 tbs natural PB, 1 1/2 cups kashi cereal with 1 cup almond milk