Really good workout today despite being a deload day. Don't know if it was the heat and the fact that I was wearing a sweatshirt but those one arm dumbbell rows and smith machine rack pulls smoked the piss out of me. Breaking in a new 13 mm weight belt too so that didn't make breathing any easier LOL Took it easy on the final two exercises and let myself slide on cardio today.

10 min treadmill warm up

One arm dumbbell rows

3 x warm ups

120 x 8

140 x 8

160 x 8

SM rack pulls

3 x warm ups

4 pps x 6

4 pps x 6

4 pps x 6

HS high rows

1 x warm up

2 pps x 15

2 pps x 15

2 pps x 15

Neutral medium grip pull downs

1 x warm up

115 x 12

130 x 12

145 x 12

Meal 1: mass cakes

Meal 2: 16 oz ground turkey with low carb BBQ sauce, 1 tbs coconut oil

Meal 3: 100 gm whey with 1 tbs coconut oil

Meal 4: 16 oz ground turkey with 2 cups white rice and low carb BBQ sauce

NO Xplode

2 scoops Intra MD

Meal 5: 3/4 lb Wendy's triple cheeseburger and fries

Meal 6: 10 whole eggs with cheese