
(sigh) legs:
leg ext: 60 x 15, 80 x 12, 100 x 10, 120 x 8, 50 x 20
leg press [ft close together]: 270 x 15, 360 x 12, 450 x 10, 540 x 8, 180 x 20 [with such little rest, 540 @ 8 reps really SUCKED]
incline hack: 140 x 15, 180 x 12, 230 x 10, 270 x 8, & 90 x 20
deads: 135 x 15, 155 x 12, 165 x 10 [ran out of energy, this is by far the most taxing exercise, should prolly do it first next time]
after about 6 minutes to recoup i decided to move on
seated leg curls: i did 5 sets with the normal 30 sec rest, but i dont remember the weight. i had to stop after this i really had little to no energy, phased out afterwards for a good 2 minutes, yawning non stop, i was done.

gym time: 45 min
weight: 219.5lbs


db incline: 40 x 15, 50 x 12, 60 x 10, 70 x 6, & 30 x 20
db flat: 50 x 15, 60 x 12, 70 x 8, 70 x 7, & 40 x 20
smith incline: 115 x 15, 135 x 12, 155 x 10, 165 x 6, & 95 x 20
standing cable flies: 30 x 15, 40 x 12, 50 x 10, 60 x 8, & 25 x 20 [moving up next time]
cable seated side delt 7's: 50 x 7 sets
cable seated rear delt 7's: 80 x 12, 100 x 12, 120 x 10, 100 x 10 x 4 sets
rope push downs: 37.5 x 15, 47.5 x 12, 57.5 x 10, 67.5 x 6, & 32.5 x 18
v bar incline cable skulls: 30 x 15, 40 x 12, 50 x 10, 60 x 8, & 20 x 20
preachur tris: 50 x 15, 60 x 12, 70 x 10, 80 x 8, & 40 x 20

gym time: 1hr 5min
weight: 218.2lbs

note: i missed protein shake for meal #2, however i am going to make it up by adding it back in at the end of the day for meal #6, which means i am only missing out on the 4oz of almonds for today.