What motivates you to keep training? What is that keeps you driving the weights? Especially in the face of adversity.

I understand you may have a goal, like being on stage or you train for another sport. But I want to know what it is that you find deep within yourself to continue to struggle and push yourself further.

I know I haven't been around here much in some time. Some of you may remember but for those who don't know, I was diagnosed with MS over 3 years ago. I had been an amateur strongman competitor for many years before and have been weight training for over 20 years. But slowly over the past few years I've lost my drive. It's more of a mental problem, not physical. I've been trying to find that spark within once again but seem to be coming up emptyhanded.

So guys and ladies both, I'd like to hear thoughts and input on what makes you keep going. This isn't a post to ask for anyone's pity so save that shit for some one who really deserves it. The first one who says anything about feeling sorry will get their ass kicked!

What makes you push?