Tweetok everyone. i am going to invite you in to my guinea pig's journey into the 2013 North America Championships. he is looking to qualify early this year in the spring show so he can bounce back and not burn out dieting for so long through the summer. now what my guinea pig does isnt for the faint at heart nor for the beginner so you have been forewarned in advance. i do not recommend the amounts nor the durations that he chooses either in his quest for a card in the future. i will keep up with how he is eating and training throughout this journey as well as compounds used durations dosages and supplements as well. hope you guys enjoy this cause this is a first for him sharing and he can honestly say that other than peps and auxillaries all the products he uses comes straight from the best company around and no other companies will be used in the creation of the ultimate ******* mutant around.