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    Thread: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    1. #5221
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      seated calf raise (2sec stretch) 25x10 50x10 75x10 100x10 125x10 150x10
      activation work
      chins x10/4
      upper lat cable pullovers 25x10 35x10 42.5x10 50x10
      meadows rows 25x12 50x12 75x12 100x12
      tbar rows 75x10 100x10 145x10 170x10 195x10
      shrugs 50x10 60x10 70x10 80x10 (3sec contract)
      med ng mid back pulldowns 55x10 70x10 85x10 100x10
      hypers x10/4
      machine crunches 30x15/4
      30min stepmill lss level 10

      done for the day havent been logging and have made some increases in carbs etc... i will note them today. was having a really good streak were everything was running really good except the shoulder which has also getting better. went out of town to visit some family and the trip wrecked my lower back hips and knee. so i have been trying to get that fixed back again over the last little bit of a stretch. such a pain in the ass literally. everything else has been going really well. gaining weight slowly and strength is climbing pretty damn good. all in all pretty good across the board other than those little set backs from traveling.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    2. #5222
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      seated leg curls aa 75x20ss 90x20ss 105x12ss 120x12ss 135x12ss 150x12ss 165x12ss 180x12ss
      leg extensions warmup ss55x20x20x20 ss70x20x20x20 ss85x20x20x20
      one leg leg extensions ss ss25x12 ss40x12 ss55x12 ss70x12
      adductors ss 100x20ss 120x20xx ss140x12 ss160x12 ss180x12 ss190x12 ss215x12 ss235x12
      abductors ss ss80x15 ss90x15 ss100x12 ss110x12 ss120x12 ss130x12 ss140x12
      hacks (5sec negs) 90x10 140x10 180x10/2
      leg press (5sec neg) 200x12 400x12 600x12 690x12 780x12 870x12

      done for the day. felt like absolute dog shit today and probably shouldnt have been training at all. sinuses are all jacked up along with a brutal nasty head ache. every set i could feel my heart pounding in my head and could barely breath. got light headed on more than one occasion but still got it done. still got a pretty damn good pump going and moved some damn good weight with the focus being on the negatives. knees and back held up really well but idk if they were hurting and my head was distracting me from the fact but either way i will kind of take it. i did finish up and intended on hitting the stairs for cardio. put my shoes on and my head was screaming, so i sat there for about 5mins and said screw it, it is most likely going to be counter productive to try to push through it. so i cut my losses and shut it down for the day. hopefully i am not getting the flu or the dreaded c word again. seems like since the kids went back to school the crude, strep and damn near every other nasty bug on the planet is making its rounds in my area.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


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    3. #5223
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      seated calf raise 50x10 75x10 100x10 125x10 150x10 (3sec stretch)
      chins x10/4
      hs dy rows 100x10 115x8 130x8 146x8 160x8 175x8 (5sec contract)
      hs iso row ng 45x8 90x8 135x8/3 (5sec contract)
      wide grip pulldowns 100x8 115x8 130x8 145x8
      hs iso low row 45x8 70x8 90x8 115x8
      hex bar deads (no clue on weight i pulled with a big ass pl chick but it was over 225) 4 sets 10
      decline leg raise x10/4
      30min stepmill lss level 10

      done for the day. nothing really bad to note today. woke up with low and mid back being a bit tight and achy but that went away as soon as i got moving and warmed up. i did train at a facility that has a ton of different hs back equipment so i went a little ham on angles today but with a ton of focus on contractions. i had to pull with one of the power lifter chicks their since she was using the only hex bar and i wasnt waiting on her to finish. she is pretty strong so i figured it wouldnt be enough to jack me up but enough to stimulate a bit. all in all a good sessioh

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


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    4. #5224
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      How close to training do you have your Pre workout meal?

    5. #5225
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by smalls1 View Post
      How close to training do you have your Pre workout meal?
      about 30-45. the cream of rice doesnt sit in your stomach like a brick. what i do with guys i work with from time to time if they are having issues is double up on the cyclic dexrin if they have issues. so it would be a shake with whey and cyclic dextrin for pre meal and then the normal intra. this doesnt happen all that often though cause most can tolerate cream of rice pre with no issues. also can do rice krispy treats as well.
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    6. #5226
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      standing calf raise 150x10x10x10/6 (10sec contraction every 10th rep for 30 total reps each set)
      chins x10/4
      mid back cable cross 6sets x10 (heavy)
      sup grip rogers rows 45x8 70x8 90x8 115x8 (5sec contract 3sec neg)
      chest supp tbar row ss 45x8ss 70x8ss 90x8ss 115x8ss
      prone shrugs ss ss45x8 ss70x8 ss90x8 ss115x8
      upper lat cable pullovers 4sets x10
      sup grip pulldowns 3sets x10 (just to drive a little more blood into lats)
      hypers x15/4
      machine crunches 40x15/4
      30min stepmill lss level 10

      done for the day. jacked up my mid back last week doing legs. actually not so much my back as i actually popped 4 rip heads out on one side and 3 on the other and it put me on the floor. i thought i slipped or herniated a disk when i did it. sad thing is i was picking up a bar with 185 when they popped out on me. i did finish the leg workout haha and ended up belt squatting 14 plates. so it really didnt hinder that to much.
      so i went a little more easy and cautious today with nothing bent over and no mid lower back stress movements at all since it is still just a smidge sore. i did cryo over the weekend also which helped speed up the recovery. moved some pretty good weight and got a hell of a good pump. i am thinking that i am going to go back and forth between a little heavier(relative) training and tempo squeezing training to keep the muscles guessing. that and hopefully stay a little bit more healthy and injury free this year. they both make me sore as shit, so obviously it is working pretty good. cardio is still brutal as it is year round. i trained at a couple different facilities over the last couple of weeks and they dont have the best climate control. that made it extra brutal and i really did think i was going to die. good session in today and pretty happy with where i am sitting right now at the moment.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    7. #5227
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      seated calf raise 50x10 75x10 100x10 125x10 150x10/2 (3sec stretch)4
      cable cross high to low 10sets of 10 (went pretty damn heavy and finished each set with a 5sec squeeze)
      machine press 85x10 100x10 115x10 130x10 145x10 160x10 175x10
      reverse peck deck fly 45x15 60x15 75x15 90x15
      peck deck fly 40x10 50x10 60x10 70x9failed
      db lats 10x10 15x10 20x10 25x10
      decline leg raise x15/4
      30min stepmill lss level 10

      done for the day. as you can see above i am still dealing with that jacked up shoulder issue when it comes to chest and shoulders. i am able to do those 3 movements with very little pain and i am trying to maximize as much as i can with them while trying to let it heal up. it is night and day better than what it started out as. i couldnt do any type of pressing at all for months. my therapist found the area it was coming from and it is a spot under my scap and has nothing to do with the actual shoulder. rotators are completely in tact and everything shoulder wise is good. it's that one spot and that spot creates an issue that make the lat seratus and a bunch of other shit all fucked up. so rehab pt and a bunch of other crap and it is finally getting there. when i first starting pressing again i could barely hit the 100. so i am happy with progress. great pump today and a good session but nothing to write home about other than getting better.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    8. #5228
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      toe press machine 130x10 145x10 175x10 190x10 210x10 230x10
      chins x10/4
      mid back cable cross x10/6 (heavy)
      incline db seal rows 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10
      db shrugs (3sec contract) 55x10 65x10 75x10 85x10
      rogers row sup grip (5sec contract) 45x8 70x8 90x8/2
      hypers x15/4
      reverse hypers 90x10/4
      machine crunches 40x15/4
      30 min stepmill lss level 10

      done for the day. got a bunch of recovery work in last week, so feeling pretty good and fresh going in. still having a little bit of an issue with the area where my ribs keep popping out of but other than that pretty damn solid. that area doesnt really hurt or anything it just pumps up really bad and gets tight as shit. then eventually the ribs come out and bam that's when it hurts and gets crazy painful sore. moving some pretty good weight around and getting some damn good pumps going. good stuff across the board the last week or so. the late night friday night lights games are beating my ass though haha.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    9. #5229
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      seated leg curls 75x20 90x20 105x15 120x12 135x12 150x12 165x12ds 120x20 (3sec negs)
      one leg leg extensions 25x12 35x12 45x12 55x12 65x12 75x12 85x12 25x30
      adductors 100x20 120x20 140x20 160x12 180x12 190x12 235x12
      leg press 200x12 400x12 600x12 690x12 780x12 (3sec negs)
      hacks 90x10 180x10 270x10 360x10 (3sec neg)
      30min stepmill lss level 9

      done for the day. not to bad of a session today and def getting stronger on the slow end neg tempos. i was a little worried it wasnt going to go to well because my knees were a little sore going in but fortunately no issues at all. i actually only pulled the knee sleeves up on 2 sets total for the day. so that was a success in itself. i will normally only pull them up when they feel like they are starting to act up and honestly i think my issues this year came from using them to often and making my tear drops to weak. so now i only pull them up when i know i need to. i did pull back on the cardio level one notch to not get beat up so bad. it only shaved about 8bpm off the heart rate. so my cardio system is still working hard. pretty good session and week so far.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


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    10. #5230
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      machine toe press 6sets x10+10p bottom end
      hs wide grip pulldowns 85x15 100x12 115x10 130x10 145x10 160x10 (3sec contract)
      chest sup pg machine rows 100x10/2 115x10 130x10 145x10 160x10 (3sec contract)
      incline db seal rows 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10
      hs low row 45x10 70x10 90x10 115x10
      pg wide low rows to sternum 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10
      hypers x15/4
      standing cable crunch w/vac 70x15/4
      30min stepmill lss level 9

      done for the day. still sticking with the same tempo focus this week but switching to work more thickness to the upper mid back. so a lot of pronated grip work and pinching the shoulder blades. now the key for me here is 1- not to make my lower rhomboid/trap area angry or 2- jack up my neck again. so focus is razor sharp and i may or may not swap in some shrugs off and on, i honestly will have to play that one by ear. i have a couple spots where nerves are close to being pinched from being blown up and training hard for years on end. so i have to be extra careful when putting a lot of work in around this area. the pump from this was nasty and painful to say the least and i would say a damn good session overall. cardio even though i dropped it a level was not as brutal as normal but i had to wait about 15 mins on the stairs so my heart rate was down when i got on. i did do the last 8-9 mins at level 10 just for good measure though.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


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    11. #5231
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      seated leg curls 75x20 90x20 105x8 120x8 135x8 150x8 165x8 180x8
      leg extensions 55x20 70x20 85x20 100x20 115x20
      adductors ss 100x20ss 120x20ss 140x20ss 160x15ss 180x15ss 190x15ss
      abductors ss ss80x10 ss90x10 ss100x10 ss110x10 ss120x10/2
      leg press 90x9 180x8 270x9 360x8 450x8 540x8 630x8 720x8
      hacks 90x8 180x8 270x8 360x8 450x8
      15 min stepmill intervals level 17-7

      done for the day. thanksgiving family leg day tradition in my house. we get up have pre workout meal and hit legs every holiday no questions asked. then come home and have breakfast and start the days cooking for the big meal. pretty damn good session today with no issues at all. felt good and strong and got some damn good work in. only side issue i had was with cardio since we were pushing tempo pretty hard to beat the crowd i didnt let my heart rate come back down before jumping into the intervals which made it extra hard. i have been training normal and not logging on here because i have been crazy busy. i did pull carbs back down from around 800 back down to about 600 and dropped lss and swapped it out for intervals for a while. been working on improving my hrv. all in all a good session. wont be listing my meals for the day since the only normal meal i had was my preworkout meal. the rest was thanksgiving foods with lots of ham and sweet potato casserole haha.
      TGBSupplements REP


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    12. #5232
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      mag wide grip pull downs 85x15 100x15 120x15 140x15 160x15 180x15 120x8(5sec contract)
      chest supp pg machine rows 135x15 150x15 165x15 180x15 195x15 210x15 120x10(5sec contact)
      incline db seal rows 25x15 35x15 45x15/2 (hit the wall)
      t bar rows 45x15 70x15/3
      hypers x15/4
      reverse hypers 90x10/4
      machine crunches 40x15/3
      15 min stepmill intervals 2-1 level 17 level 7

      done for the day. finished up this block with sets of 15. was trying to increase the reps that i topped off my sets of 8 with on all my movements. well unfortunately my strength dropped off after the second movement and went down hill on me from there. had a pretty good block this go round with no really bad issues at all. smooth and steady with some great pumps. i did switch over to the intervals for cardio for a bit and also brought my carbs and cals up quite a bit higher. everything has been running pretty smooth the last few weeks. been busy as shit though.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    13. #5233
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      cable cross overs high to low 10 sets of 15
      machine press 90x15 100x15 110x15 130x15 150x15
      ng incline press 100x10 115x10 130x10 145x10
      db lats 10x15 15x15 20x15 25x15
      bent over db rear lats 10x15 15x15 20x15 25x15
      rope press downs 4 sets of 15 (tut)
      bent over bb curls shoulders locked 20x10 30x10 40x10/2 (tut)
      machine crunches 40x15/4
      15 min stepmill intervals 2-1 level 17 level 7

      done for the day. if you are paying attention to my chest and shoulder work, i am still having issues pressing. it has gotten kind of better but i am still limited on movements. i have actually increased strength in the cross overs and presses and i am slowly working on finding other movements that dont make it even more pissed off. still get a great pump for the most part and most of the chest and shoulder work i have been doing has been super slow tut or light with super high reps to drive as much blood in as possible. doc says that just like my knee the muscles are super tight and pulling the joint causing pain and lack of mobility. keep doing the therapy bs and soft tissue work and it will get better eventually. sucks ass, so since i am not able to go quite as hard on chest and shoulders i have been adding in a couple sets of arms. nothing crazy just some pump work to get blood in. all in all a good session

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      200g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      200g jasmine rice
      2 rice krispy treats
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    14. #5234
      guns01's Avatar
      guns01 is offline ADMINISTRATOR
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      toe press 110x15 130x15 150x10 170x10 190x10 210x10
      hs pulldowns 45x15 70x15 90x12 115x12 135x10/2 70x12
      hs low rows 45x15 70x15 90x10 115x10 135x10/2 45x15
      ng close grip pulldowns 55x10 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10
      wide pro grip cable rows 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10 160x10 100x12
      t bar rows 45x10 90x10 135x10 180x7ds 90x10
      cable crunches 55x15/4
      15min step mill intervals 2-1 level 16 and 7

      done for the day. going to get back to regular logging again. wasnt any point the last 2 weeks because my training was sporadic and rushed with last week only being a 3 day training week for my 5 year colonoscopy bs. so no eating the day before and guts being wrecked the next two days. so that ruined that week. cool thing was i got to nail out some good therapy work and cryo treatments while not being completely wrecked. so that brought me into this session fresh and as health as possible. so no really bad complaints at all and all my numbers were actually pretty damn good. so completely happy with that. so we will see how many good sessions and weeks i can string together. cardio after missing a bit was way harder than it should have been and sucked as usual. was up close to 1k grams of carbs a day for a while and now i am pulling it back down again

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      300g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      300g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      300g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      300g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      300g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      300g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    15. #5235
      rnixon's Avatar
      rnixon is offline Platinum
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post


      toe press 110x15 130x15 150x10 170x10 190x10 210x10
      hs pulldowns 45x15 70x15 90x12 115x12 135x10/2 70x12
      hs low rows 45x15 70x15 90x10 115x10 135x10/2 45x15
      ng close grip pulldowns 55x10 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10
      wide pro grip cable rows 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10 160x10 100x12
      t bar rows 45x10 90x10 135x10 180x7ds 90x10
      cable crunches 55x15/4
      15min step mill intervals 2-1 level 16 and 7

      done for the day. going to get back to regular logging again. wasnt any point the last 2 weeks because my training was sporadic and rushed with last week only being a 3 day training week for my 5 year colonoscopy bs. so no eating the day before and guts being wrecked the next two days. so that ruined that week. cool thing was i got to nail out some good therapy work and cryo treatments while not being completely wrecked. so that brought me into this session fresh and as health as possible. so no really bad complaints at all and all my numbers were actually pretty damn good. so completely happy with that. so we will see how many good sessions and weeks i can string together. cardio after missing a bit was way harder than it should have been and sucked as usual. was up close to 1k grams of carbs a day for a while and now i am pulling it back down again

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      300g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz chicken
      300g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
      2 scoops whey iso
      90g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      intra(6iu log)
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout
      2 scoops whey iso
      300g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      300g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz bison
      300g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      300g jasmine rice
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      Crazy let see some posing/size pics?

      Sent from my SM-S918W using Tapatalk

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