Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
So you said a couple back you had some knee issues what do you take for that .
This year I been having some myself.


still semi dealing with it now but it is light years better finally. so i started out with voltaren 2-3x per day and i vodoo flossed and rolled 3x per day. then i hooked up my etens unit for 30min 2x per day. did that for a week and it got a little better but since it wasnt moving as quick as i wanted i went in and got seen so i could get a ref to the ortho doc. went in he felt everything up and it was all in tact and pretty much no swelling. so he put me on prednisone(sp) and a muscle relaxer. that and he told me to go see my graston lady to get scraped and then see a chrio about adjusting my hips. he also said all my tendons were stupid tight which was creating the issue. anyway 2 days in the predi and the muscle relaxer and seeing the graston lady and chrio and it stopped popping and hurting as bac. still tight but nowhere near where it was and it isnt painful anymore. i did some very light legs yesterday and had no issues. so i am hoping that i am on the back end now. i did toss in 1mg of bpc ed and i am running gh. shit i also put in 15g of multi spec collagen protein. that is actually supposed to heal damage. so what i did was pretty extensive and i tried to rehab it early on which i prob should have gave it a couple days. that prob set me back in the begining