

close grip sup pull downs 100x10 120x10 140x10 160x10 180x10 200x10 220x10 140x10(5sec contract)
ind handle low row ng 35x10 42.5x10 50x10 60x10 70x10 80x10 90x10 50x10(5sec contract)
meadows rows on tbar 45x8 70x8 95x8 120x8
ds bent rows 135x10 185x10 225x10 275x10
machien pullovers 105x10 120x10 135x10 150x10
chest supp machine row 150x8 165x8 180x8 195x8
15 min stepmill intervals 2-1

done for the day. this is the last full week of offseason style cycling. i am 26 wks out from nationals on thursday so i will pull back to my doc scripted 300mg hrt per week for 6 weeks and then fire up the prep run. labs are still looking pretty good but hdl is still a touch low so i added in intervlas 2x a week to help bring them back up. this was a pretty good session that didnt start off to well i didnt feel to strong on the first movement but once it got warm and loose it all started firing really well. pumps are running smooth still and everything is holding together pretty well. should roll into prep pretty good and healthy as of right now.

supps till end of the week

900 test cyp
300 npp
300 mast p
6iu gh (post)
10iu humalog (post)
20mg nolva
25mcg t3 (from doc)
30mg np thyroid(from doc)

meal 1
4 whole eggs
4oz sirloin
200g jasmine rice
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz turkey
200g jasmine rice
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
90g cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4(post workout)
2 scoops whey iso
75g jasmine rice
75g kids cereal of choice
meal 5
2 cups egg whites
200g jasmine rice
meal 6
6oz turkey
200g jasmine rice
meal 7
8oz sirloin
8oz red potatoes
onions and mushrooms
lrg green salad w/vinegarette