Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post


30min stepmill lss

stand one leg leg curls 10x10 20x10 30x10x10x10x10x10x10x10 (did these until i couldnt get 10 anymore. all back to back no rest)
bb stiff leg deads 95x8 145x8 195x8 245x8
leg press ts 200x10ts 400x10ts 600x10ts 780x10ts
reverse prowler drag ts 90x30y/ts 135x30y/ts 180x30y/ts 225x30y/ts
leg press ts 200x6 400x6 600x6 780x6
leg press ds 690x10ds 600x10ds 500x10ds 400x10ds 300x10ds 200x10
goblet squat 60x10 80x10 100x10 120x10

done for the day. going to focus a tad bit more on a little more ham hang as long as my lower back with tolerate it while hammering my back at the same time. it seems like that tight hams and glutes wreck havoc on my lower back and hips over time. focus is on more back depth and maybe a little more ham hang. more back is always a good thing and can always be improved. anyway doesnt look like a lot on paper but it was a pretty good session. pretty good strength and pump as well. no bad or actually any issues at all today. going to be sore as hell for a bit though. i could tell leaving with my legs buckling a little bit. son had a ball game so sitting in over 100 degree heat for a couple hours afterwards def isnt good for recovery. solid day though

meal 1
2 whole eggs
4oz sirloin
150g jasmine rice
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz turkey
200g jasmine rice
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
60g cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4(post workout)
2 scoops whey iso
90g cream of rice
meal 5
2 cups egg whites
150g jasmine rice
meal 6
6oz turkey
200g jasmine rice
meal 7
8oz sirloin
8oz red potatoes
onions and mushrooms
lrg green salad w/vinegarette
Nice one, but what is ts and y/ts?

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