

45min stepmill lss

oa sup pulldowns 35x10 42.5x10 50x10 60x10 70x8 80x8 50x10(5sec holds)
meadows rows 25x10 50x10 75x10 100x10/3
incline db seal rows 25x10 30x10 35x10 40x10 45x10
db pullovers 60x10/4
one arm ng machine rows ss 100x10ss 110x10ss 120x10ss
trac machine pulldowns ss ss100x10/3
chest sup machine rows pg 90x10 105x10 120x10 135x10
45min stepmill lss

done for the day. felt pretty damn good today and trained with the mrs and my son. nothing crazy or fancy just straight sets moving as much weight as safely as possible and squeezing the crap out of the contractions. felt so good i was actually able to push the pace a bit which was awesome and considered throwing some giant sets in but 2 issues came to mind. 1- gym was pretty packed and 2-if i completely destroyed myself on monday it would most likely hamper the rest of my training week. still a really good workout and great pump and everything feels smooth. i did pull back 1 level on the stairs from 9 down to 8. my calves and feet cant take that beating 2x per day everyday and i am still burning almost an identical amount of cals.

meal 1
2 whole eggs
4oz sirloin
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz turkey
1/2 cup jasmine rice
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
40g cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4(post workout)
2 scoops whey iso
40g cup cream of rice
meal 5
2 cups egg whites
meal 6
6oz turkey
1/2 cup jasmine rice
meal 7
8oz sirloin
6oz purple potatoes
onions and mushrooms