

35min stepmill lss

machine leg raise 20x20 30x20 40x20 50x20 (either popped a hernia here or strained the shit out of my groin area)
Tri Set Warm Up
leg extensions 70x20ts 85x20ts 100x20ts 115x20ts
abductors ts 90x20ts 100x20ts 110x20ts 120x20ts
adductors ts ts100x20 ts120x20 ts140x20 ts160x20

Giant Set 1
leg extensions (3sec contract) 145x10gs
db goblet squat heel elevated 80x10gs
sissy squat x10gs
hack 90x10gs
sissy squat x10gs
reverse hack 90x10

Giant Set 2
leg extensions(3sec contract) 160x10gs
goblet squat heel elevated 100x10gs
sissy squat x10gs
hacks 180x10gs
sissy squat x10gs
reverse hack x10

Giant Set 3
leg extensions(3sec contract) 175x10gs
goblet squats 120x10gs
sissy squat x10gs
hacks 270x10gs
sissy squat x10gs
reverse hacks 180x10gs
leg extension(heavy) 205x10gs
walking lunges x30yards

hack drop set of death 270x10ds 225x10ds 180x10ds 135x10ds 90x10ds 45x10
reverse hacks ds 270x10ds 180x10ds 90x10
leg press 600x30 690x20 780x15
low box squat(well below para) 135x10 185x10 225x10 275x10 (didnt push it)

done for the day. had one of the randoms hit me up to do legs today and of course he didnt make it. made it to the first drop set of hacks turned pale and green laid down on the floor and done. he did pull plates for me after puking a couple of times. lots and lots of pump here and actually moved some pretty good weight. very limited on movement choices again because of the number of people but still one hell of a session. added in lower box squats which i have been working on at the end of my session. good glute work nonetheless and getting the grove back with my hip and lower back. glutes were getting really tight and starting to hurt a bit so i shut it down at 275. still had some left in the tank and the speed was pretty good but again not worth getting hurt for during prep. great freaking workout though. big issue with the machine leg raise. it got a little aggervated yesterday but it got angry today. hopefully just strained a bit and not a hernia but it is down low where the groin inserts mainly and lower ab is a little tender. no bulging or brutal pain but it is damn sure sore and tight. i have been hammering the shit out of abs. so most likely it is over use and irritated. 2 more weeks and more therapy work. dont really want her up in my junk even though it's funny as all hell.

meal 1
2 whole eggs
4oz sirloin
1/4 cup cor
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz turkey
3/4 cup jasmine rice
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
40g cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4(post workout)
2 scoops whey iso
40g cup cream of rice
meal 5
2 cups egg whites
1/2 avocado
meal 6
6oz turkey
3/4 cup jasmine rice
1/2 avocado
meal 7
8oz sirloin
8oz purple potatoes
onions and mushrooms