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    Thread: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    1. #4741
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      ok, i am back in town. got my cardio after my flight in and now i am continuing to rehydrate and have some good food. i will update in a good detailed post on how we went into thursday and friday later on. i wont post my actual placement because that will give away who i actually am but i will say i didnt win but i damn sure nailed the top 5. so top 5 in all of north america and on top of the world. i improved on my last national level performance and my conditioning and dryness was untouchable. even though the experience was pretty miserable because of how everything was set up and all the restrictions i am super happy that they actually put the show on and allowed us to compete after working so damn hard.
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    2. #4742
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Great job brother! Based on the pics I saw you looked amazing! Getting better every show.
      Of course I wasn't there but from the shots, I had you at least one placing better. The lineup was pretty stacked, Your conditioning was top notch.

    3. #4743
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Pushtoday View Post
      Great job brother! Based on the pics I saw you looked amazing! Getting better every show.
      Of course I wasn't there but from the shots, I had you at least one placing better. The lineup was pretty stacked, Your conditioning was top notch.
      thanks man i appreciate it. if it wasnt for my injuries i think i could really make a hell of a push but i have to play the cards i am dealt haha. only ting i will say is i think i could have been a touch dryer and posed a little crisper. few factors out of my control went into that one. i am def over the moon with the package i put together though and how well i actually did and the pics and vids we got dont do justice. some of the ones we got in the hotel and outside even blew me away.
      we need to get you up there at masters nationals for you to do some damage man
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    4. #4744
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      Travel Day

      Meal 1
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 2
      6oz turkey
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 3
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 4
      6oz turkey
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 5
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 6
      6oz turkey
      1.5 cups jasmine rice

      1 vit c with every meal
      1 b complex with every meal
      1 dandilion root with meal 1 3 and 6
      100mg provi
      50mg winny
      20mg halo
      60mcg clen
      50mcg t3
      10mg cialis
      40mg nolva
      12.5mg aroma

      2 gal water

      so i flew out around 11am and arrived around 4pm. we landed and headed over to the hotel and i had a meal and touched up on some of the water i missed on my flight and then headed down for check ins. stood in line for about 2 hours which sucked. got all checked in and then ate every 2 hours until bed time. i did take a 30 min walk before my final meal and posed before bed. that was pretty much it for the day of travel, with nothing to awful crazy going on. flight was jam packed with no empty seats and the media is full of shit when it comes to the amount of people traveling. i was in one small air ports and 2 major air ports. so even though damn near everything is closed down, their are tons of people traveling all over the place. they didnt take our temps anywhere we went and we were only questioned about the rona at the small air port that were departed from. absolutely nuts and bs across the board on how everything is portrayed
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    5. #4745
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      Day Out

      Meal 1
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 2
      6oz turkey
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 3
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 4
      6oz turkey
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 5
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 6
      6oz turkey
      1.5 cups jasmine rice

      1 vit c with every meal
      1 b complex with every meal
      1 dandilion root with meal 1 3 and 6
      100mg provi
      50mg winny
      20mg halo
      60mcg clen
      50mcg t3
      10mg cialis
      40mg nolva
      12.5mg aroma
      25 dyazide before bed

      2.25 gal water

      Day prior to stage. slept like absolute garbage thursday night. i am pretty sure i woke up about every 30-45 mins and i was up at about 4am for the day. i forgot all my sleeping supps so that damn sure didnt help and i was in a ton of pain on top of that. so i started eating at around 6am. took pics and posed prior to meal 1. we would have a meal pose for 10 mins about 45 min after each meal and then do a 10 min slow walk about an hour and ahalf each meal. did a light upper body pump workout about mid day and posed with my posing coach twice. so pretty much a full day of relaxing and filling out while drying and keeping insulin sensitivity going. also added in an additional 500mg of berberine to help also. the carb uptake was working very well so we had no need to add in any log this go round but had it at the ready. i literally was tightening up and filling a little better each meal, so no extra help was needed. went to pharm and got some valarine root for the night and took 5g when i normally only take 3 haha. friday night pain kicked in even more but still had no water issues with my feet and calves but knees back and both shoulders were super fucked up and had me pretty concerned.
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    6. #4746
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      Show Day

      Meal 1
      6oz sirloin
      1.5 cups jasmine rice
      Meal 2
      2 blueberry nutrigrain bars
      1 blueberry nutrigrain bar about every 20mins prior to stepping on stage
      bout 1/3 can of dill pickle pringles 20 mins prior to stepping on stage
      4oz water with am supps as soon as i woke up
      cialis 1 hour prior to show
      sipped water every time i pissed and i was pissing about every hour or so after wake up
      clen was cut in half today and i have no idea why it was still in. i need to ask
      had 1/4 cup of black coffee as soon as i got up also

      1 vit c with every meal
      1 b complex with every meal
      1 dandilion root with meal 1 3 and 6
      100mg provi
      50mg winny
      20mg halo
      30mcg clen
      50mcg t3
      10mg cialis
      40mg nolva
      12.5mg aroma
      25 dyazide before bed

      lucy leblue dieter's tea. i had 2 bags thursday night. 2 bags mid day friday and another bag friday night. i have a tendency to back up when loading so we use that both to help keep stuff moving through my digestion system and to help drying as well. it is actually pretty good stuff

      another pretty bad night of sleep. again pain was a mother fucker and i guess i was pretty anxious or having nightmares again because on top of pain waking me up i was waking up all freaked out and heart racing. i didnt pack my cpap machine so that didnt help to much either but i hadnt used it for the last 4-5 days because my allergies have been acting up and i didnt want to use any anti histamines or put anything new into what i was already doing, so i just opted not to use it this close to show time. got up around 4am again and meal 1 went down at 6am. we posed last time at around 8am. i was able to chill in my room feet up until got the call down to move over to the ready tent. now this is where it got nasty. so they called us down and put us in an outdoor holding tent pretty early in the am and it wasnt to hot but we were in there for a couple of hours. of course as always they had us touch up tans and put on the sheen way to early, so i was standing on my feet for about 2 hours prior to going out. the heat kicked in about 45mins before going up and i had to have a poor lady with me the whole time in the line up fixing my tan to keep it from running and streaking. the tan company sucked ass compared to who i usually use but she did one hell of a great job. so since the wait was so long and to keep my gut as small and tight as possible, we pulled the protein out of my meals except one and just had a nutrigrain bar every 20 or 30 mins with a little bit of pb.
      that was about the extent of my run up to and onto stage. i am super happy to both have been able to compete with all the crap going on and even with all the rules and restrictions they put in place just being able to do it was a success. coming in better this year than last was a win in itself and i appreciate the guy that put it on because i know he both had to jump through some crazy hoops and lost his ass off money wise not being able to have any spectators coaches or vendors present. so my hat goes off to him for sure.

      so even though i know i work my ass off and i have no quit in me even though i like to complain i will say this was a grueling prep that may have been my hardest. i have been going since feb and with them moving dates and the uncertainty was a serious mind game the entire time. the diet wasnt hard and i didnt have any real issues with hunger at all until the last couple days and the loading days i was starving my ass off but the prep diet wise was smooth. the training on the other hand def tested my mental strength. that's where i really had to dig super deep and i feel age is starting to let me know what's up. i am ready to get back after it though haha.

      so i know everyone wants to know how i ended with my epic feasting haha. well, the city we went to was a complete and utter shit hole to say the least. top that with the rona bs and it made it even worse. so the only place that i had recon out before hand was prammanti bros famous sandwiches. i had a double meat super stack capone sandwich from there. then for the remainder of the day i had 12 peace love and little doughnuts a small mac and cheese with bacon bowel and a pb brownie. that was it for show day. got back yesterday and went in and hit 40 mins of cardio and then had maybe 2-3 slice of bacon cheese burger pizza and a couple slices of taco pizza with a couple chocolate cookies. today i am taking my wife to the cheese cake factory for our anniversary which was on show day unfortunately and have a couple other pastries and maybe a hot dog or 2. tomorrow i will roll back into reverse dieting and clean it all back up again. that's the plan, i have to ramp training is now being ramped back down. i am pulling supps back for doc appt and bloods in the next two weeks for my hormone and health stuff and cleaning everything up so i can get back underway as soon as possible.
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    7. #4747
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Hope that you get better sleep man and I will be back to see how the diet change go's.

    8. #4748
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      What an epic run/adventure...
      Thanks for sharing it with us. I’m glad you’ll be able to get back to some kind of normalcy...again great job brother.

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    9. #4749
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
      Hope that you get better sleep man and I will be back to see how the diet change go's.
      got maybe one or two more free meals today and then back on point tomorrow. training and stuff starts back today. back to the grind
      TGBSupplements REP


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    10. #4750
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Pushtoday View Post
      What an epic run/adventure...
      Thanks for sharing it with us. I’m glad you’ll be able to get back to some kind of normalcy...again great job brother.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      thanks man, glad to have you in my corner for drive and support here. it's much appreciated
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    11. #4751
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      mag wide grip pull downs 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10 160x10
      rope face pulls x10/6
      one arm lower lat pulls x10/4
      cable pullovers x10/6
      40 min incline treadmill

      done for the day. nothing crazy or fancy here at all kind of same idea as last week. now we are just trying to recover and pull all the water off the joints and heal them up before getting crazy. so training will be legs push pull arms and 6 days of cardio as we ramp down. may take a week off at some point in a couple weeks then go back wide open. the week off may or may not happen depending on how i feel. joints are def beat up pretty damn good right now and i am holding an ass ton of water pretty much all over. been having a pedilyte packet every day since the show trying to flush and replace all my electolytes again. once water comes off i will drop that out. pumps are insane right now with all the nasty glycogen i have put in over the last couple of days but the reverse diet fired up this am. all good feeling pretty good but still fatigued and ran down a bit. sleeping really well now and sneaking a nap in the last two days. hopefully i will be bounced back all the way by this weekend. this waking up at 4am every morning for no reason is getting old.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      4oz sirloin
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      1 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cream of rice
      meal 5
      8oz chicken
      6oz red potatoes
      1 cup broc
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      sugar free jelly
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      6oz purple potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      TGBSupplements REP


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    12. #4752
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      ind handle press downs 6x10
      one arm cable extensions 6x10 went a little to heavy here
      one arm db french press 20x10 25x10 30x10 35x10 40x10 again a bit to heavy and failed on one side
      db curls 20x10 25x10 30x10/4
      hs preachers 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10 ds 55x5ds 45x10ds 35x15ds 25x20
      30 min incline treadmill

      done for the day. diet is back in full effect and i have been starving my ass off since it fired back up tuesday. so my metabolism is for sure not crashed out. still holding a boat load of freaking water though and cant shake it off. i cant wait till my body normalizes with this crap. still using a single pedylite packet for the electrolytes. i did have a thought yesterday that i havent been adding any salt to my foods like i had the entire prep after my bloods came back low on sodium. so that could be where the water is coming from. anyway excellent pump with the arm day. supposed to be going easy and i did creep up a little bit heavy and came close to failing and did fail on a couple of sets which we dont want right now. all in all a good session. only issues i am having right now is with my knees from water and back and hips still being a bit dinged up. other than that i feel pretty damn good.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      4oz sirloin
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      1 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cream of rice
      meal 5
      8oz chicken
      6oz red potatoes
      1 cup broc
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      sugar free jelly
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      6oz purple potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
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    13. #4753
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      leg extensions 55x10 70x10 85x10 100x10 115x10 135x10/6
      abductors 80x10 90x10 100x10/6
      adductors 120x10/6 (being easy and these were stupid light)
      seated leg curls 120x10 105x10/5 (even though not heavy i pushed pace so i dropped the weight down plus started a little cramping haha)
      belt squats 230x10/4
      20 min step mill
      20 min incline tread

      done for the day. well started off with extensions and first set felt like 1k pounds but it eased up and the blood exploded into my quads quick as hell. knees also felt achy until they got warm and then it went pretty well. i probably shouldnt have jumped into so much weight on the belt squats but i worked in with a buddy of mine and that was his work sets. so i said screw it it was about half or little less than half what i normally do for mine. again just like the extensions it felt nasty on the first one but the last 3 were smooth. i dicked up and wore the wrong shoes so it made it pretty interesting to say the least.
      still feeling pretty lethargic and ran down this week. i am figuring it is going to take at least 3 weeks to be fully recovered all the way. that and not having any test in isnt helping me out any. i can def tell and feel it right now. i am also freaking starving 24/7, even with all the added food.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      4oz sirloin
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      1 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cream of rice
      meal 5
      8oz chicken
      6oz red potatoes
      1 cup broc
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      sugar free jelly
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      6oz purple potatoes
      onions and mushrooms

      supps right now before bloods
      50mg mast p eod
      50mg tren a eod
      50mcg t3 (this will taper down and be replaced with recovery supps over time)
      50mg provi
      everything else health supp wise stays the same for right now
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      ab wheel x10/4
      oa sup pulldown w/stretch 27.5x10 35x10 42.5x10 50x10/2 (5sec stretch after each contract)
      chest supp machine row pg w/stretch 120x10 135x10 150x10/3 (same)
      mag wide grip pull down 85x10 100x10 120x10 140x10 100x10w/stretch
      machine pull overs 105x10 120x10/4
      30 min stepmill
      10 min incline treadmill

      done for the day. slowly starting to add in some sets here and a little bit of intensity techniques. we are going to be adding in a lot of forced stretch stuff here in the future so i jumped on some today. just to open up with lighter end weights and help with the pump. strength was actually really good and i held it back and only went to about 75-80% and only added a little volume. i was gunning to hit 1 or 2 more movements but miss timed and came up short today. probably a good thing because i need to ease back in and not jack anything up. still starving like a champ. saturday i had my free meal and i hammered a ton of food and was still absolutely starving even after eating it. i housed 10 fritters for dessert which were 5 banana and 5 strawberry. my training partner had been raving about the best ones on the planet and i finally got to go with him and his wife to give them a try. i wasnt let down at all haha. back to the grind yesterday and all i did saturday was cardio.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      4oz sirloin
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      1 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cream of rice
      meal 5
      8oz chicken
      6oz red potatoes
      1 cup broc
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      sugar free jelly
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      6oz purple potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      TGBSupplements REP


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    15. #4755
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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      seated calf raise 50x10 75x10 100x10/2 (have to be very easy here)
      flat db hex press 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10 60x10 65x10
      db lats 15x10 20x10 25x10 30x10/3
      incline db hex press 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10 60x10 65x10
      reverse pec deck fly 60x10 70x10 80x10 90x10 100x10 110x10
      rope press downs 25x10 30x10 35x10 42.5x10 50x10 57x5x10
      30 min stepmill
      10 min incline treadmill

      done for the day. nice simple and to the point today. we are going to be putting a lot of focus on the hex press and a couple other movements this year, so i went ahead and fired some up today. just to pump and get some good blood in and see how my strength was. not to bad and i tried to stay away from getting close to failure but i got pretty close haha. slowly adding volume in and getting heavier. i will most likely do a really big jump on both weight and volume next week depending on how i feel. the calves were a nice challenge and were shaking like crazy for about 30 mins. have to be real easy ramping those back up because i wont be able to walk. everything feels actually surprisingly good right now and i am not having any issues to note. sleep is still a bit dicked up but not bad. i also swapped out one of my rice meals with oats for the added fiber this week leading into my bloods. just to help clean everything out better.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      4oz sirloin
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      1 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cream of rice
      meal 5
      8oz chicken
      6oz red potatoes
      1 cup broc
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      3/4 cup jasmine rice
      sugar free jelly
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      6oz purple potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      TGBSupplements REP


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