

ind handle press downs 6x10
one arm cable extensions 6x10 went a little to heavy here
one arm db french press 20x10 25x10 30x10 35x10 40x10 again a bit to heavy and failed on one side
db curls 20x10 25x10 30x10/4
hs preachers 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10 ds 55x5ds 45x10ds 35x15ds 25x20
30 min incline treadmill

done for the day. diet is back in full effect and i have been starving my ass off since it fired back up tuesday. so my metabolism is for sure not crashed out. still holding a boat load of freaking water though and cant shake it off. i cant wait till my body normalizes with this crap. still using a single pedylite packet for the electrolytes. i did have a thought yesterday that i havent been adding any salt to my foods like i had the entire prep after my bloods came back low on sodium. so that could be where the water is coming from. anyway excellent pump with the arm day. supposed to be going easy and i did creep up a little bit heavy and came close to failing and did fail on a couple of sets which we dont want right now. all in all a good session. only issues i am having right now is with my knees from water and back and hips still being a bit dinged up. other than that i feel pretty damn good.

meal 1
2 whole eggs
4oz sirloin
3/4 cup jasmine rice
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz turkey
3/4 cup jasmine rice
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
1/4 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
1 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4(post workout)
2 scoops whey iso
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 5
8oz chicken
6oz red potatoes
1 cup broc
meal 6
6oz turkey
3/4 cup jasmine rice
sugar free jelly
meal 7
8oz sirloin
6oz purple potatoes
onions and mushrooms