

35min stepmill am fasted

standing leg curls ss 10x10ss 20x10ss 30x10ss 40x10ss 50x10 ds60x6ds 50x10ds 40x10ds 30x10ds 20x10ds 10x10ds (5 bottom end partials were added to each set)
ab rollouts
adductors (5sec neg) 100x10 110x10 120x10/2 (these hurt really bad)
leg extensions (ss) 45x10x10 70x10x10 90x10ss 135x10ss 180x10/2ss ds180x10ds 135x10ds 90x10ds 45x10
hacks ss 90x8 ss180x8 ss270x8 ds270x8ds 225x8ds 180x8ds 135x8ds 90x8ds 45x8
chambered bar squat (5sec pause in the hole) x8 135x6 185x6 225x6/2
occluded one leg leg press 90x25x25x21x20 two leg 90x43

done for the day. still not pushing heavy weight atm just to be cautious. the tear drop isnt giving me issues but i am still not going to put a stupid heavy load on it just yet just to play it safe. in all reality these sessions are 10x worse both pump and pain wise. i have been doing super slow concentric and eccentrics on pretty much everything until i cant do it anymore than pumping out whatever i have left in the tank. we added on the pause squats in the hole and took the slow negatives out this week just to see how it felt. they were nasty and then tack on the occluded stuff. i left with my legs buckling bad. back and everything else is holding up really well right now and overall i feel pretty good body wise. energy is down a bit during the day but we have been pushing pretty hard for a pretty good amount of time. did add in t3 eod for now at 25mcg today.

meal 1
2 whole eggs
4oz sirloin
2 cups spinach
3/4 cup oats
meal 2
8oz turkey
3/4 cup jasmine rice
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
1/4 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
2 scoops whey iso
3 cups captain crunch cereal
1 cup coconut milk
meal 5
8oz chicken
3/4 cup jasmine rice
1 cup broc
meal 6
1 cup fage greek yogurt (2%)
1 scoop whey iso
30g granola
150g berries
meal 7
8oz sirloin
8oz purple potatoes
onions and mushrooms

t3 25mcg
test c 200mg eod
mast p 100mg eod
primo 200mg eod