ok time to start the log catch up:

Thursday (2 days out and travel day)

Meal 1
6oz turkey
1 english muffin
Meal 2
6oz turkey
1 cup jas rice
Meal 3
6oz turkey
2 english muffin
Meal 4(pre)
60g whey
1/4 cup cream of rice
Meal 5(post)
6oz turkey
1 cup jas rice
2 english muffins
Meal 6
6oz turkey
Meal 7
6oz turkey
2 english muffins

1 vit c w/each meal
1 b complex w/each meal
1dandelion root w/each meal
1 bag luci le blu dieter's tea before bed

1 1/2 gal of water by 8pm

Hit entire upper body with 2 movements super setted. so chest/back 2 different movements for each back to back. shoulders bi and tris and light trap pump. got in and got out with a very very long posing session post training. Drive wasnt to awful bad at all going up. did stop quite a few times to eat and stretch to keep the water off so that was good. had my first experience at a planet fitness which was interesting since everything else was closed for the holiday. now the kicker here is i stayed in a very expensive 5 star hotel. it was absolutely nasty smelled like mold and the ac was damn near non existent. made my water drop tan and the process suck really bad. we will get into that later on. something that i have had issues with in the past lasted a lot longer than i have ever had happen. anyone following along knows that i have really bad issues with my stomach from the iraq war. so using the shitter has never been an issue except for maybe a day or 2 prior to a show when my body is using everything up. well this time it started on weds and i didnt go to the bathroom at all and i was backed up bad.