

45 min am fasted incline treadmill

swiss bar pull downs w/stretch 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x10/6 (2 sets each handle)
neutral grip one arm machine rows 80x8 100x8 120x8 140x8 160x8 (held last rep in contract for 5sec)
mod db rows 30x10 35x10 40x10 45x10
one arm sup pull downs (last rep 5 sec contract) 40x8 50x8 60x8/2
dante bent over cable rows 25x12 40x12 55x12/2
hypers x10/4
standing calf raise 3sec stretch 235x8 255x8 275x8 295x8 315x8

done for the day. started today off great with pancakes and such after cardio. so that was excellent and it also transfered over to an excellent workout and pump. felling really good today and have the entire day off tomorrow. so i am happier than a pig in poo. filled back out nicely also which is always a solid plus that will carry over into the upcoming week. legs and abs are still a tad little bit tender but tolerable now. other than that a very successful day and week.

Cheat Meal Day

meal 1
2 sausages
2 slice ham
2 pieces bacon
2 slice french toast
2 mexican churro pancakes
meal 2
3 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
2 cups spinach
meal 3
8oz turkey
1 cup green vege
meal 4
6oz turkey
1 scoop recovery factor x
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 5
8oz sirloin
1 cup broc
meal 6
8oz chicken
1 cup broc