

45 min am fasted incline treadmill

close ng pull downs 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x8/2 (focused on stretch and a big contraction)
t bar rows 45x8 90x8/2 135x8 (not pushing it)
ind handle sup low rows (constant tension) 30x10 40x10 50x10/2
hypers x10/4
seated calf raise ss 90x8/4ss (sec stretch)
tibia raise ss ss40x15/4

done for the day. pretty good session in today. i had to wait a few times so that drove the motivation down a little bit but i got in and got it done. lots of focus on big contractions and loaded stretching. still didnt push way to heavy but slowly raising the weights up a little bit at a time. only thing that is really hurting on me today is my calves are wrecked. not crippled wrecked but they are def pretty freaking tender when i walk. great pump and all in all a really good session today.

low day

meal 1
3 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz turkey
1 cup green vege
meal 3
6oz turkey
1 scoop recovery factor x
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
8oz sirloin
1 cup broc
meal 5
8oz chicken
1 cup broc
meal 6
8oz turkey
9 asparagus spears
1 bottle kumbucha
meal 7
2 cups egg whites
onions and mushrooms