

18 min step mil intervals 2-1
seated leg curls ss 75x15ss 90x15ss 105x15ss 120x15ss 135x12ss 150x10ss 165x8ss
leg extensions ss ss55x15 ss70x15 ss85x15 ss100x15 ss115x12 ss140x10 ss155x8
stiff leg dead 135x10 185x10 225x10/2
leg press (one continuous set) 200x8 400x8 490x8 580x8 670x8 760x8
hacks x12 50x12 100x12 150x12

done for the day. super quick fast paced session today. back hips and knees were a little tight and beat up going into the session from traveling on monday. nothing crazy but still really tight and tender. still got a great pump and sweated log a hog. final week of deloading. so i hope everything is fully recovered and good to go going into next week. i dont feel run down anymore but after the trip i am a little beat up. all kinds of goodies and stuff coming up, so that should help haha.

meal 1
3 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
2 cups spinach/4oz oj splash water
1 tbl spn natty pb
1 tspn coconut oil
meal 2
8oz turkey
1 cup jasmine rice
1/4 cup chicken bone broth
meal 3
2 scoops whey iso
1/2 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
8oz sirloin
10oz purple potato
1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
meal 5
6oz chicken
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
1 cup broc
meal 6
6oz turkey
8oz red potato
9 asparagus spears
1 bottle kumbucha
meal 7
2 scoop whey iso
1 tbl spn pb
1/2 cup oats