

18 min stepmill intervals 2-1
seated leg curls 75x15 90x15 105x15 120x12 135x10 150x8
banded good mornings x20/4
squats x10 135x10 185x10 225x8/6
leg press 450x8/8
leg extensions x12/4

done for the day. knees and lower back was not happy at all yesterday. they did not want to warm up and pretty much hurt for the entire duration of yesterday's session. been on my feet pretty much all week and running around like a mad man on top of it getting cold. so i am assuming that is what is factoring into the issues i had today. all good though, i was still able to get what i needed done and flush it all out with blood. so onto recovering and gearing up for the next big push after next week. they feel pretty good today and back isnt completely wrecked. so it tells me it was from the extra stuff i have been doing that i am not used to.

meal 1
3 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
2 cups spinach/4oz oj splash water
1 tbl spn natty pb
1 tspn coconut oil
meal 2
8oz turkey
1 cup jasmine rice
1/4 cup chicken bone broth
meal 3
2 scoops whey iso
1/2 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
8oz sirloin
10oz purple potato
1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
meal 5
6oz chicken
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
1 cup broc
meal 6
6oz turkey
8oz red potato
9 asparagus spears
1 bottle kumbucha
meal 7
2 scoop whey iso
1 tbl spn pb
1/2 cup oats