

handbike warmup
activation exercises ss 4 rounds ss
meadows row ss ss x8 ss25x8 ss50x8 ss75x8 100x8 125x8 150x8
dead lift 135x5 225x5 315x5 405x5 455x0 (almost blacked out)
stretchers 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x10
chest sup machine rows 150x8 165x8 180x8 195x8
hs preachers 60x8/4
db curls 25x10 30x10/3
15 min step mill 2/1

done for the day. not to happy with today's progress at all. i did hit the goal on one of the focus movements to start the session. the second one was deads and i was gunning for 500 for 5. well not happening today. i got set up with 455, got tight braced and started to pull. got it about 1/4 of the way up and my vision started to fade out on me and room started to move. dropped it and sat down. if i would have picked it up i can guarantee i would have blacked out and been flat on my back. idk if it's my allergies, sinuses or what but everything felt great on the pull from setup to the start other than rolling into black out. not my bp either because i checked it yesterday morning and it was spot on. leaning towards sinus/allergy problem. sucked ass for sure though cause i knew i had a ton in the tank left. other than that pretty good session and everything felt really good.

meal 1
3 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
1 cup spinach
1 tbl spn natty pb
1 tspn coconut oil
1 orange
meal 2
8oz turkey
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
meal 3
2 scoops whey iso
1/4 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
8oz sirloin
8oz purple potato
1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
meal 5
6oz chicken
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
meal 6
6oz turkey
12oz red potato
meal 7
2 scoop whey iso
1 tbl spn pb
1/2 cup oats