

stationary bike warmup
standing cable crunch w/vac 70x10/4
hs seated one leg curls 20x10 30x10 40x10 50x10 40x10/2
db stiff leg deads 50x10 65x10 85x10 95x10 105x10
db leg curls 25x5(5p)/4 5 sec hold on each rep at the top mid and stretch position
leg extensions x15/2 x28 on last set. no clue the weight on these. went up each set and to failure on last set
sissy squats x20/3
15 min step mill intervals 2-1

done for the day. i did my pump session today and swapped out my heavy session for the middle of the week. i got a buddy that thinks he is a monster and no one can break him off on legs hehe hehe hehe. man is he wrong. that's my bread and butter. hell i break people off on arm days. so he is able to train on thursday. so my slay session will go then. so i did my cardio today and stuff. going to be fun. today was a somewhat easy day, great pump and good session. all in all a good day and the gym was empty which is always a plus.

meal 1
5 whole eggs w/light cheese
1 cup spinach
1 tbl spn natty pb
1 tspn coconut oil
meal 2
8oz turkey
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 avacado
1 cup green beans
meal 3
2 scoops whey iso
1/4 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
8oz sirloin
8oz purple potato
1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
1 cup broccoli
meal 5
6oz chicken
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
1/2 cup black benas
1/2 avacado
1 cup green beans
meal 6
6oz turkey
12oz red potato
1 cup broccoli
1/4 cup sour kraut
meal 7
2 scoop whey iso
1 tbl spn pb
1/2 cup oats