

stationary bike warmup
lying leg curl ss 60x12ss 70x12ss 80x12ss 90x12ss 100x12ss 110x12ss
stiff leg dead ss ss45x8 ss95x8 ss145x8 ss195x8/3
adductors 190x12/4
sissy squats x10/3

done for the day. good day in today and very brief and quick. drove loads of blood into the hams for sure and loosened everything up nicely. no issues at all today, so i will give it a good day mark.

meal 1
5 whole eggs w/light cheese
1 cup spinach
1 tbl spn natty pb
1 tspn coconut oil
meal 2
8oz turkey
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 avacado
1 cup green beans
meal 3
2 scoops whey iso
1/4 cup cor
1tbl spn pb
1 scoop recovery factor x
2 scoop hbccd
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4
8oz sirloin
8oz purple potato
1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
1 cup broccoli
meal 5
6oz chicken
1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
1/2 cup black benas
1/2 avacado
1 cup green beans
meal 6
6oz turkey
12oz red potato
1 cup broccoli
1/4 cup sour kraut
meal 7
2 scoop whey iso
1 tbl spn pb