Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post


machine toe press 210x8 230x8 250x8 270x8 290x8 310x8 230x10(10s)x10(10s)x10(10s)
stand ez bar curls 20x15 30x15 40x15 70x10/5 (10sec between each set)
db hammers 30x10/3 (same 10 sec between each set)
machine preachers 60x8 70x8
cable rope press downs ss 80x12 90x12 100x12ss 110x12ss 120x12ss 120x12ss
bench dips ss ss x15 ss x12 ss x9 ss x7
db skullies 40x10/4

done for the day. pretty basic day with some intensity sets tossed in. good pace with the 10sec breaks between sets also. the pump as always with arms was stupid and painful. i couldnt put my headphone back in my ear it was so bad. strength is coming back nicely and joints feel pretty damn good.
Hell yeah brother. Sounds like your ready to start pounding it.

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