

hanging leg raise ss x15/4ss
planks ss ss 45sec/4
reverse peck deck dead stop 90x15/4
db lats 25x8
bb front raise 40x12/4

done for the day. nothing crazy just plain and simple straight work. got a good pump going and was all done.

meal 1
4 whole organic free range eggs
4oz 93/7 ground beef
2 slice ez bread
1/2 tbl spoon coconut oil
meal 2
8oz ground turkey
8oz red potato
1 tbl spoon evoo
1 cup spinach
meal 3
60g whey hydro
1/3 cup cor
2tbl spn pb
2 scoops intra(10g creapure)
meal 4
8oz ground beef 97/3
2 cups jasmine rice
meal 5
8oz turkey
8oz white potatoes
1 cup broc
meal 6
60g casine hydro
1 cup oats
1tbl spn almond butter
1/4 cup sour kraut