

10 min treadmill warmup
rumble roller work
one arm bb rows x8 35x8 70x8 100x8/4
swiss bar pulldowns 70x10 85x10 100x10 120x10/6 (2sets at each grip width)
prone db bench rows 40x12 50x12/2
prone shrugs 25x10 50x10 75x12/2
cable pullovers 100x10/4ts
ind handle pull downs ts ts100x8/4ts
plate shrugs ts ts45x20/4

done for the day. ouch another gnarly kick in the nuts session today. lots and lots and lots of volume. no crazy weights at all because of all the volume either. good some really good stretching and contractions in though. moved with a really goo d pace as well. bb rows had me about ready to puke because my belly was full haha. i kept it down though and if i would have needed my belt it would have been all over the floor. chest shoulders and ass are sore but nothing insane. legs are tight and full but not hammered. very very surprising cause the way they felt on monday, i figured i would be hobbled.

meal 1
4 whole organic free range eggs
4oz 93/7 ground beef
2 slice ez bread
1/2 tbl spoon coconut oil
meal 2
8oz ground turkey
8oz red potato
1 tbl spoon evoo
1 cup spinach
meal 3
60g whey hydro
1/3 cup cor
2tbl spn pb
3 scoops intra(10g creapure)
meal 4
8oz ground beef 97/3
2 cups jasmine rice
meal 5
8oz turkey
8oz white potatoes
1 cup broc
meal 6
60g casine hydro
1 cup oats
1tbl spn almond butter
1/4 cup sour kraut