

standing calf raise 315x10 335x10(x0)10s 355x10(x10)10s 375x10(x10)10s 395x10(x10)10s
chins x10/4
machine pullovers 135x10/4
bent row dead stop 185x10/4
reverse curls 40x15/4
bb curls 1.5 50x10/4

done for the day. got this one in in about 44 minutes. great great pump and everything felt really good. wings def tore my guts up though and i paid for that all evening long haha. all good with a rest day on deck

meal 1
protein pudding
2 tbl spn pb
meal 2
protein cake
2 tbl spn natty almond butter
2 scoop intra
meal 3
8oz turkey
8oz sweet potato
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz ground turkey
2 cups jasmine rice
2 tbl spn evoo
meal 5
8oz ground turkey