

decline situps x10/4
machine one arm bb rows 80x8 100x8 120x8/5
sup pull downs 60x8/4
cable pullovers 100x12/4
reverse hypers x15/5

done for the day. nice easy pump deload. in and out easy peasy. only complaint i have from today other than stupid people being very irritating is i pulled a little bit of my ribblet haha. muscle over the rib connecting to the lower lat, i call them ribblets. that is pretty angry and hurts to breath but it should be good tomorrow. noting serious. i want to toss this out to any one following along cause i overhead two skanks talking about it in the gym. just because someone is or looks over in your direction doessnt mean they are checking you out. goes for guys and ladies dressed like skanks. they may be trying to figure out what in the hell you are wearing or what kind of crazy off the wall shit it is that you are doing. not knocking on anyone but both of these two idiots are absolutely positively disgusting and about as unattractive as they could possibly be. they dress like a 10 and even in a military town they may be a 1 or a 2. just blew my mind to over hear it (no it wasnt me looking at them either i was beside the morons). and i just thought to myself, 1 look at how you dress and 2 dont flatter yourself cause you are nasty lol. done ranting

meal 1
protein pudding
2 tbl spn pb
meal 2
protein cake
2 tbl spn almond butter
2 scoops intra
meal 3
8oz turkey
2 cups white rice
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz turkey
2 cups white rice
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 5
8oz ground turkey

going to turn the rice off tomorrow