

standing lat pd crunches 70x10/4
sm bent rows 95x8 135x8 185x8 225x8 275x8 315x8 315x8 315x8 ds315x8ds 225x8ds 135x17
one arm db rows 125x8/4
heavy partial pds 120x8 140x8 160x8 160x8 160x8
bb shrugs 135x8 225x8/3
reverse hypers ss x15/4ss
hypers ss ss x15/4

done for the day. really good session today even though congrestion is still in full effect. nothing really significant to note other than one elbow is a little angry and knees are achy. bara pressure is pretty freaking low so that def isnt helping the cause to much for me and my damn joints. i did jack my neck a smidge doing shrugs that will be a tbd how angry that one gets haha

meal 1
16oz cod
2 cups white rice
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 2
protein cake
3 scoops intra
meal 3
8oz turkey patty melts
8oz sweet potato
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz turkey patty melt
10oz red potatoes
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 5
8oz ground turkey
1 cup oats