

band warmups (way harder than i thought and pumped my shoulders up too much)
banded incline db press 25x10 40x10 55x10 70x10 85x10
incline bb press 165x8 195x8 225x8 275x8 275x8 275x8 275x8
decline press 135x15 185x12 225x9 275x6ds 225x6ds 135x22
stretch pushups x25 x19 x14
6 ways 5x10/4
banded face pulls ss x10/4ss
spider walks ss x3/4

done for the day. sick as shit but i got through with no real bad issues. strength is obviously down quite a bit but not to awful bad. no real complaints other than feeling like butt

meal 1
16oz cod
2 cups white rice
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 2
protein cake
meal 3
8oz turkey patty melts
8oz sweet potato
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
16oz cod
1/3 cup cor
meal 5
8oz ground turkey
1 cup oats
1 cup spinach