

10 min treadmill warmup
some banded chest work to warmup chest and shoulders
machine press ss 80x10 110x10 140x10 super sets start 160x15/4ss
banded over and backs ss x10/4
banded hs flat press ss 70x8/4ss
banded over and backs ss x10/4
lat db swings 45x30/4
seated db front raise 14x12/4
rear delt destroyer swings 40x60ds 20x30ds 10x10
10 min step mill intervals 1-1

done for the day. stupid silly pump today and my shoulders are wrecked. the pump was stupid painful. nothing crazy heavy but the rep ranges and super sets made it freaking grueling. took yesterday off and it was much needed after barely any sleep the last couple of nights and getting up stupid early. so i took it off to rest up and i am pretty sure it paid off cause i felt great today.

meal 1
4oz steak
4 whole eggs
p28 bagel with cheddar and a little bit of a1
meal 2
protein cake
meal 3
10oz shrimp
2 and half cup white rice
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz chicken
1/3 cup cor
meal 5
8oz ground turkey
1 cup oats
1 cup spinach