

decline situps x10/4
roller work
hs banded chest press x10 x10 25x10 45x10 70x6 90x6 90x6 90x6
incline db fly press ss 40x8ss 50x8ss 60x8ss 60x8ss
incline bb press ss ss195x12 ss225x9 ss275x6 ss275x6
machine fly ss 120x10ss 135x10ss 135x10ss 135x10ss
pec minor dips/dips ss ss x8/x9 ss x8/x8 ss x8/x6 ss x8/x4
banded jm press 135x6 135x8 115x8 115x8
dual cable cross body rear delt cross 25x15/3 25x50p at the top
medium ng pulldowns 85x10 100x20 120x17 140x14 140x11 140x8

done for the day. wow what a kick in the nuts today. moved some pretty good weight around but my chest and shoulders are absolutely smoked. lats are as well. the pump was a bit much but everything felt really good other than my shoulder. it got hammered pretty good from all the band work. this is going to be a long program haha. i def felt really strong today though which is a plus.

meal 1
chirizo fiesta omlette
new york cheese cake pancakes
meal 2
8oz turkey patty melt with baby swiss and provolone fat free\
flat out bread
2 tbl spoons coconut oil
2 scoops intra md
meal 3
trukey spagetti
100g worth brown rice pasta
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz chicken
8oz red potato
meal 5
8oz ground turkey
1 cup oats
meal 6
8oz ground turkey
2 cups spinach