Quote Originally Posted by thudgens96 View Post
Hate that it put you out for a couple of days was wondering where you were. What do you think is the cause of the heartburn food related or what? I have heart burn problems myself. Prilosec a day problem.

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i dont produce enough acid in my guts is where my reflux comes from. so my body produces less acid due to a boat of dysentery i got during the war. so now just a small diet change, to much coffee at one time or to much copenhagen and it wrecks me for 24 or more hours haha. i am used to it for the most part but it still drives me nuts.
be very very careful with prilosec and all the other heart burn meds. if you look at some of the issues they are causing people the risk may be much worse than the reward. tons of class action law suits on those guys as well as nexum and a couple others. scary thing is they had me taking nexum for years and i didnt know any better