Quote Originally Posted by thudgens96 View Post
Thank you sir. This is one area I feel we could all be alot better at. Here's another one for you. I sweat alot and I do mean alot nothing unusual for me to go through 3-4 shirts a day. My job is physical and I stay hydrated. But can a guy sweat to much.

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no way man. i sweat like a stinky water buffalo also. i sweat 24/7. it's just part of being a big guy i guess haha. make sure if you dont have issues that you are getting enough sodium potassium and magnesium in your diet to replace all the electrolytes you are losing. i train fully covered up and do some sled work outside, so that is 10x more sweating on top of sweating when i breath. so i also drink water 24/7. i am up all night off and on anyway so pissing isnt the reason why i get up but when i do, i make for sure that i get a couple swigs of water before i lay back down. that way i know 100% for sure that i am not dehydrated at any point during the day. if you havent had any blood glucose testing done, that could be an indicator for the onset of diabetes. i have mine done 2x per year at a minimal so i know i am good to go but that is a sign of blood sugar issues. if you were not sweating at all that would be more of a concern but that is a thought to consider.