Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
right now i t is my supps and the sauna 2x per week for 20 mins. i do:

1 full lemon in 8oz of water with 2 table spoons of organic apple cider vinegar daily
1g nac
1g ala
niacin (flushing)
hawthorne berry.

i keep those in except the niacin for all my detoxing periods. the sauna is just a new addition that i am trying after reading some pretty good studies on it. if nothing else it is loosing up my muscles and pushing water threw
Thank you sir. This is one area I feel we could all be alot better at. Here's another one for you. I sweat alot and I do mean alot nothing unusual for me to go through 3-4 shirts a day. My job is physical and I stay hydrated. But can a guy sweat to much.

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