
20 min sauna early am


decline situps x15/4
roller work
lying leg curls 60x15 80x15 90x15 100x15 100x10(20s)/3 (i tweaked my ham on this a smidge. may have torn it a little bit or maybe a cramp. a bruise will let me know
leg press 180x25 270x25 360x25 450x25
sm lunges 135x12/4
box lunges x10/2
sled drags w/ strap 250lbs additional resistance 3 rounds 20 yards each with 20 sec rest
sled drags w/band 160lbs additional resistance 3 rounds 20 yards each with 20 sec rest

done for the day. early start of the day this am with a 20 min sauna run for detox and recovery. got going and may have possibly tweaked or partially tore my right ham on the leg curls while warming up. no pop just more of a burning cramping sensation that only lasted a split second. it stayed tight and burned quite a bit for a while. no knots deformation or bruising as of now but it did freak me out for a split second. i may have pumped it a bit and it pushed down on a nerve funny or even the start of a cramp that went away. idk, but kind of freaky. the rest of the workout went really well though. strength is down a tad bit but sleep is also worse than usual and i was up way way early. we did do a change in the sled work today with much heavier weight than usual for a shorter distance. that made the pump and burn a whole lot worse and i actually huffed and puffed more than going the full distance. good stuff for sure. i like changing it up from time to time to freak out and piss my body off haha

meal 1
4 whole eggs
1/2 cup whites
1 cup oats
2 tbl spoon almond butter
2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa
meals 2
8oz turkey
2 slices special bread
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 3
8oz chicken
10oz red potato
1 cup spinach
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz ground turkey
1 cup spinach
1/4 cup sour kraut
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 5
8oz turkey
meal 6
8oz turkey