

sup grip pull downs 20x12 30x12 40x12 50x12 60x12 70x12/4
t bar deads(mid shin) 45x5 90x5 135x5 180x5 225x5 270x5/5
rope low rows 70x8 85x8/4
med grip chins x8/3
db pullovers 45x12 55x12/3

done for the day. been up since 430 today and i was ran a bit ragged. so even though i got in a really good session today and it was a 7 day split i didnt put in any cardio or additional work today. i can tell my body didnt need any extra push ontop of the rest of the week. so i got in good work and got out. abs were a little bit tight so again no work on them today. i did some posing today early early and i am happy with how i am looking. new week fires up tomorrow bright and early again ugh. loving it though

meal 1
8oz turkey
mancake waffles
2 tbl spoon almond butter w/s/f jelly
2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
meals 2
8oz sirloin steak
mancake waffles
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 3
8oz chicken
1 cup spinach
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz turkey
1/4 cup sour kraut
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 5
8oz turkey
1 cup spinach
meal 6
8oz chicken