

hanging leg raise x15/4
roller work
standing ez bar curls 30x8 40x8 60x8 70x8 ss 80x8ss/5
ind handle cable pd ss110x10 ss120x10 ss130x10 ss140x10 ss150x10
db preachers ss 30x8ss/5
db skullies ss ss35x10ss/5
db hammers 35x10/4
12 min step mill intervals 1-1

done for the day. glutes are sore as hell. legs are tight and calves are sore. so yesterday was a great success haha. good thing is my back isnt tight or sore so my recovery is between 24-48 hours which is right on point to where it should be. cardio was on point and hr only gets to mid 140s now at the most. i am super happy with the progress thus far as i say daily. that is because i am actually seeing positive changes every morning. the small plus up kicked in today but i have a little kink for tomorrow. i am supposed to do back tomorrow and have friday off but i have some extra bicep work that needs to get done. so tomorrow will be off and i will do the back work on fri. so low carb today none tomorrow and then low on friday. should be a nice mix up to keep my body guessing. at least that's what i am telling myself.

meal 1
4 whole eggs
1/2 cup whites
1 cup oats
2 tbl spoon almond butter w/s/f jelly
2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
meals 2
8oz turkey
4 slices ez bread 9 grain
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 3
8oz chicken
1 cup spinach
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz turkey
1/4 cup sour kraut
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 5
8oz turkey
1 cup spinach
meal 6
8oz chicken