Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post


one arm sup pulldowns 30x8gs 40x8gs 50x8gs 70x8/4gs
away facing rope pulldowns 30x8gs 40x8gs 50x8gs 50x8/4gs
db pullovers gs 45x8gs 55x8gs 65x8gs 65x8/4gs
traction machine pro pulldowns gs gs100x8 gs110x8 gs120x8 gs140x8/4
tbar rows 70x8ts 105x8/4ts
banded face pulls ts x8 ts x8/4ts
cage press ts tsx95x8 ts115x8/4
12 min stepmill intervals 1-1

done for the day. lots of repair work going on in the gym so i had to improvise a bit today. that and it was crowded and almost everyone was trying to do back. so this session took almost 2 hours, which irritated the piss out of me. i still got in a really really good session with a great pump though. it actually felt awesome by the end. my good shoulder is a tad angry but i think i slept on it off and on all night long so that def didnt help any. i actually did sleep pretty good last night also. maybe 2 hour stints of time. so my body must be completely worn out but still feeling good.

meal 1
4 whole eggs
8oz red potatoes fried in nut oil
meal 2
protein pancake w/pb and jelly
2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
meals 3
16oz tilapia
8oz sweet potato
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 4
8oz chicken
8oz red potato
1 cup spinach
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 5
8oz turkey
8iz sweet potato
1/4 cup sour kraut
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 6
8oz turkey
2 cups broc florettes

Absolutely killing it