
abs/calves/back (base)
10 min treadmill warmup
standing cable crunches 70x15/4
lat pulldwon crunches 70x10/4
machine toe press ts 250x25ts 270x25ts 290x25ts 310x25ts
standing bw calf raise ts x25/5ts (top end only)
tibia raises ts ts40xf/4
meadows rows 25x8 50x8 75x8 100x8 125x8 150x8 150x8 150x8ds 50x6 (last 6 were very long contractions about 6-10sec each rep) regular sets were stretching grinders and yes they sucked
hs iso rows low with elbows high 45x5 90x5 135x10/3
db pullovers 60x12(1) 65x12(1) 70x12(1)
stretch pulldowns 120x8 140x8 160x8
db shrugs 65x12 75x12 85x12
rope face pulls 100x12 110x12 120x12 (i was smoked by this point)
banded hypers x10/2 x10 dropped band and did another 22 bw only

done for the day. this was an absolute nut buster. i even pushed the pace and it was grueling to say the least. great workout with nasty pumps from top to bottom. we are def hitting areas that i am trying to bring up and they hurt for about 24-48 hours and then i am good to go again. now rest and recover is on the agenda. i been squeezing in a little 20 min nap in the afternoon the last few days. hopefully that will crank up some additional benes

meal 1
best bar ever apple pie
meal 2
protein cakes
4 scoops intra md
meals 3
16oz tilapia
1/2 cup cream of rice
meal 4
16oz chicken
8oz sweet potato
meal 5
16oz chicken
1/4 cup sour kraut