
10 min treadmill warmup
standing cable crunches 70x10/6
lat pulldown crunches 70x10/6
rumble roller work
one arm bb rows 25x8 50x8 75x12 100x10 125x8
meadows rows 75x12 100x10 125x8
sup grip pulldowns 70x12 95x10 95x8
assist chins pro grip x12 x10 x8
db pullovers 55x12 60x10 65x8
rope face pulls 100x12 120x10 140x8
hypers x25/3

done for the day. had a hard time getting going this am but still got a great session in today. really good pump and everything felt smooth

meal 1
2 scoops protein powder
1/2 cup cream of rice
meal 2
protein cakes
3 scoops intra md
meals 3
16oz tilapia
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz chicken
8oz sweet potato
meal 5
16oz turkey
1/4 cup sour kraut