
abs/legs (deload)
standing rope crunches 50x10 60x10 70x10 70x10
leg raises x10/4
roller work
leg extensions 60x20 75x20 90x20 105x20 120x20 135x20/4
safety squat bar squats 155x12 205x12 245x12 295x12 (stopped right there not pushing the old back and hips)
hip work front side 80x10/3
lying leg curls 100x15 110x15 120x15 130x15

done for the day. ok i had been doing ab work before training back and it was helping to keep my lower back tightness at bay, so i figured screw it i will start doing it as a warmup before every workout. i watched a couple vids and read a little bit and it is how a lot of the big numbers power lifters do it to keep everything healthy stretch out there hips and hams. so if it works for someone moving that amount of freaking weight then why the hell couldnt it help me a little bit. pump today was stupid painful. lower back did hurt a bit but i had to squat to loosen my hips and lower back up. so i used the safety squat bar to help stay more upright. lower back is a little stiff and sore but i wont know if it is bad until later tonight or tomorrow. i think just getting blood in the area should help speed it up a little faster. i also lowered my cals a little this past week since i wasnt training at all.

meal 1
2 scoops protein powder
1/2 steel cut oats
meal 2
protein cakes
2 and a half scoops intra md
meals 3
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
meat lovers pizza
either bday cake or cotton candy
meal 5
16oz turkey
1/4 cup sour kraut