
legs(and i felt great)
10 min treadmill warm up
roller work
lying leg curls 70x10 80x10 90x10 100x10(warmups) 110x8 120x8 130x8(8)(1) 140x8(8)(1) all of the first reps were forced negs last 2 sets i added in an additional 8 normal reps and a 10 sec iso hold to really hammer the hams
squats 45x10 135x10 185x8 225x8 275x8 315x8 challenge set 405x8ds 315x8ds 225x8ds 135x25 (that was freaking awesome and i shouldve went heavier
leg press 8pps x10/5 45 sec rest between sets.
stiff leg deads 95x10 145x10 195x10 245x10

done for the day. i absolutely destroyed legs today. no issues at all except for a little nerve pinching i have going on above my right hip/low lower back. i am only getting the sensation while standing and it really doesnt hurt, it's like i said a pinch with a little nerve shooting down the side a little bit. probably could have went much heavier on the squats so i went ahead and did a couple extra drops for good measure. great freaking day

meal 1
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 2
protein cakes
4 scoops intra md
meals 3
16oz cream of mushroom chicken
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
couple dbl cheese burgers w/fries
cotton candy ice cream (maybe cup cup and a half max
meal 5
16oz turkey
1/4 cup sour kraut