Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post

leg raise ss x15/4ss
cable crunches ss ss50x15/4
rumble roller work
one arm db rows 60x8 80x8 100x8(warmups) 120x12 140x10 150x8
hs iso rows 45x4 135x12 180x10 225x8
ng pulldowns 100x5 120x12 140x10 180x8ds 120x8(1) forced stretch
assist chins x12 x10 x8ds x5
prone shrugs on tbar row 45x5 70x12 90x10 115x8
db pullovers 80x12 100x10 115x8
banded good mornings x20/3

done for the day. gusto is down and again we absolutely destroyed a secondary back day. sick sick pump, and moved a ton of weight. feeling pretty beat down now and worn out but no body quit so it was a sucessful session lol.

meal 1
16oz tilipia
1/2 cup cream of rice w/ jelly
meal 2
2 scoops wpi
1/2 cup cream of rice
2 and a half scoops intra md
meals 3
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
triple pork sliders w/ bacon lettuce and tomato
meal 5
16oz turkey
LMAO! from what I hear that can't even be called a secondary when you and gusto work out together.