
legs(yeah buddy)
10 min treadmill warmup
roller work
seated leg curls 90x10 105x10 120x10 135x10(warmups) one leg 75x10(10) 90x10(10) 90x10(10) 90x10(10) second number is another 10 reps with both legs after both singles were done
leg press 270x15 360x15 450x15 540x10 630x10 720x10 810x10 900x10 1080x10ds 720x25 (i skipped 11 pps and didnt go above 12 because my partners were being whinny *****es)
bulgarian split squats 45x8(15) 55x8(15) 65x8(15) did 15 sec iso holds at the end of each set followed by forced stretches and squeezes
db stiff leg 70x10 80x10

done for the day. really really good pump today. everything fired really well and had no real issues. strength is up pretty good after the delaod and i figured after yesterday's cardio i would be down a bit but not the case.

meal 1
16oz tilipia
1/2 cup cream of rice w/ jelly
meal 2
protein cakes
4 scoops intra md
meals 3
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
16oz turkey
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 5
16oz turkey