
leg raises x15/4 (was supposed to be a super set but the beast mode stupid lady crew had all the cable stations looked down doing crazy worthless shit)
reverse peck deck lats ss 60x20ss 60x20ss(warmups) 65x25ss 70x25ss 75x20 90x15 95x10
machine crunches ss 40x15/4
seated db lats 20x10(10) 25x10(10) 30x10(10) 30x10(10) swinging partials at bottom
machine press 100x8 120x8 140x8 160x8 180x8 200x7
machine flyes 125x10 140x10(10) 150x10(10) bottom end partials
bench press 225x14 225x11 225x7 goal was to hit 32 total reps with 225. it only took 3 sets
machine shoulder press 100x7 100x6 100x6 5 sec partner pressing iso hold on each and every rep. stupid brutal
assist machine pressdowns 100x10 120x8 110x10 ds120x15 ds110x10 100x7
overhead rope extensions 100x10 120x10 140x10

done for the day. really great strong workout in today. the intensity techniques we used today were extremely brutal and i am pretty sure i will be hobbled tomorrow upper body wise haha. feeling really good today but i did get side tracked and missed my roller work today. the stupid skinny lady beast mode crew threw off my mojo right out of the gate.

meal 1
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice w/natty pb and sf jelly
meal 2
protein cakes
intra workout
3 scoops intra md
meal 3
16oz chicken jalepeno ranch
1/4 cup cream of rice w/s/f jelly
meal 4
16oz turkey w/buffalo ranch sauce
meal 5
16oz ground turkey
1/2 bag brocolli