Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post

10 min treadmill warmup
rumble roller and stretching
low cable rows(med grip) 100x10/3(warmups) 120x10 140x10 160x10 180x10
rack pulls 135x3 225x3(feeders) 315x6/4
assist wide grip chins x8/4
db pullovers 50x12 55x12 60x12 60x12
seated db curls 20x12 25x12 30x12 30x12
reverse curls 55x30x25x20x15 (these were done with 40 sec rest between)
leg raises ss x15/4ss
rope crunches ss40x15/4

done for the day. fantastic workout. the pump in my arms was so stupid i had to take my protective sleeve off after the seated db curls because it was hurting so bad. knees still hurt but they are feeling a lot better. since i will be off my feet for the majority of the day tomorrow and have an off day, i should be close to good for saturday's session

meal 1
protein cakes
meal 2
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice w/natty pb and s/f jelly
intra workout
2 scoops intra md
meal 3
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice w/s/f jelly
meal 4
16oz chicken w/buffalo ranch sauce
meal 5
16oz ground turkey
1/2 bag brocolli
How much more weight you trying to drop? When we going full beast bulk mode?