
10 min treadmill warmup
roller work and stretching
lying leg curls 60x10 70x10 90x10(warmups) 100x15 120x10 140x9 150x7
leg press 270x10 360x10 450x10 540x10 630x10 720x10 810x10 900x10 990x10
squats 135x8 185x8 225x8 275x8 315x8 285x8 (no freaking belt today which is a bad bad idea)
leg extensions 105x8 120x8 120x8 (only top 1/4 hard flex for about 5 sec)
stretch and squeeze 10(10) 8(8) 6(6) hard stretch followed by hard contractions after the stretch

done for the day. really good session today other than no having my belt so i wasnt able to go as heavy as i wanted. tomorrow will be an off day which is why legs got pushed back to today.

meal 1
protein cakes
meal 2
16oz ground turkey
1/4 cup cream of rice w/1tbl spn pb and s/f jelly
intra workout
4 scoops intra md
meal 3
16oz ground turkey
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
steak and cheese sandwich

meals got a little dicked up today. we were running around prepping and getting everything ready for the comp