Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post

legs(secondary ouch)
10 min treadmill warmup
rumble roller and stretching
lying leg curls 70x10/3(warmups) 110x8/6
leg press 270x20 450x15 630x12 720x10 ss 720x10ss(x6)/4 these were done 10 then lunges then back to press for 6
sm lunges ss135x10/4
sm squats 185x20/3 (just pump these out like a piston and i had to wrap on my second set)
one leg extensions 30x10 45x10 60x10 2 sec hard squeeze at the top
hypers for glutes/hams x20/3

done for the day. other than both of my knees hurting an overall great session. it was pretty brutal overall and i had to wait twice on machines which made me cool down so that didint help my knees at all. low back is a smidge tender but nothing significant on that issue. i am def prob going to have sore glutes at a minimum and hopefully the recovery is super quick lol.

meal 1
protein cakes w/sugar fee jelly
intra workout
3 scoops intra md
meal 2
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice w/sugar free jelly
meal 3
16oz ground turkey
meal 4
turkey lasagna
meal 5
16oz ground turkey w/low carb ketchup and mustard
1/2 bag broc
1/2 cup sour kraut

Good I hope you're smoked for Sunday because I know I'm going to be lol. Let me know how you like that detox, sounds like something I might be interested in after my competition.