
10 min treadmill warmup
roller work/stretching
seated leg curls 90x10 105x10 105x10 120x10(warmups) 165x10/6 (about 45sec rest each set)
glute kickback machine 6pps x8 8pps x8 9pps x8 10pps x8
leg press 270x6 450x6(feeder set) 630x15/5 (45secs rest between each set)
hip abductor work to the front 70x12 80x12 90x12
standing calf raise 115x10 135x10 155x10 175x10 195x10
standing crunches 25x25/4 (did 10 sec vacuums between sets)
banded walking x20/3
banded tkd knee bends x25/3
roller work and stretching

done for the day. yep 2 leg days in one week, yikes. great day in though with a really good pace and pump. i prefer this to having to do cardio, so this is a nice change of pace. knee is a little tender still and had a back adjustment early this am. back actually feels really good today right now. hips and glutes are pretty tight though.

meal 1
16oz tilapia
meal 2
protein cakes w/sugar fee jelly
intra workout
3 scoops intra md
meal 3
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
16oz turkey loaf
16oz sweet potato
meal 5
16oz turkey
1/2 cup sour kraut
bag of broccoli