
10 min treadmill warmup
roller work
banded walking x20/3
banded clams x20/3
tkd banded knee bends x25/3
db press 25x8 45x8 60x8 80x8 100x8 ds80x23ds 60x9
incline bb press 135x8 165x8 195x8 215x8
bb bench press 165x8 195x8 215x7 185x8
incline cable flyes 35x15 40x15 40x15
reverse peck deck flyes 75x15 90x15/3 these were dead stops
db lats 20x8 25x8/3
bb front raise 30x12 40x12 50x12
15 min stepmill intervals (2min slow 1min fast)

done for the day. i felt really really weak pressing for some reason today. got a good pump and everything but the strength def was way way down. the flat bench just straight up sucked ass and it felt like the bench was crooked as hell. that threw me way off on top of no strength. got in and got it done in about an hour and 20 mins though.

meal 1
16oz tilapia
meal 2
protein cakes w/sugar fee jelly
intra workout
2 scoops intra md
meal 3
16oz tilapia
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 4
16oz lean ground beef
1/4 cup cream of rice
meal 5
16oz turkey
1/2 cup sour kraut